Available GUI Components
Framework ships with optional GUI components for ReasonReact that were built using a popular Material-UI library. It has an open API so feel free to use any of the components.
We could find two main approaches on how to use it:
- Use the whole GUI without modifications via
components. - Cherry-pick different partial components and compose a custom GUI of it.
GlobalIcon: The P2P settings entrypoint
Global icon is usually the main entrance point to the P2P settings provided by our library. It communicates the state of connection to signal server and connection to other peers. You can also get more information by hovering above it.
/* tree-burst/EditorScreen.re */
PeerScreens: All P2P settings screens in one component
is a component that wraps all the screens for the P2P settings provided by this library.
You can simply put this component next to your app's screens, activate it after a click on GlobalIcon
and you don't need to care about anything else.
/* tree-burst/App.re */
let render = (model, pushMsg) =>
switch (model.route) {
| Editor => <EditorScreen model pushMsg />
| SomeOtherAppScreen =>
<SomeOtherAppScreen />
| P2PSettings =>
core={model.p2p |> PM.State.classify}
pushMsg={msg => msg |> RootModel.p2pGuiMsgToMsg |> pushMsg}
Tab with a list of local groups and options to manage it. Reusable components:
- List item with a alias of a group, preview of its members, etc.
Group screen can be used to manage group alias, copy its ID and add or remove its members.
There is at least one reusable component in here:
- Dashed box for displaying various IDs with the "Copy" button.
Tab with friends list and their statuses. There are several useful components used in this page:
- Single peer row with its name and status indicator.PeerStatusIndicator
- The variable animated status indicator alone.
Tab with general settings: User's identity management and signal server URL settings.