GUI Library Installation
Framework ships with an optional set of pre-built ReasonReact GUI components for common tasks such as group management, rendering a list of friends, setting permissions and other functionality implemented in the PocketMesh Peer Library.
Note: If you have started with TreeBurst demo app as a base, the following libraries are already pre-installed.
You can install the GUI library to your project using
npm install pocket-mesh-peer-material-ui
and by adding a corresponding item to the bsconfig.json
"bs-dependencies": ["pocket-mesh-peer-material-ui"],
The components are built on top of Material-UI, a popular React implementation of the Google's Material Design Guidelines, and its Reason bindings jsiebern/bs-material-ui. If you don't have them already installed in your project, you can do so by issuing
npm install @jsiebern/bs-material-ui @material-ui/core @material-ui/icons github:jhrdina/material-ui-styles#build